Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Project #6: Curtains

Why not? Hopefully tonight I can let D. pick out some fabric for his room with my 20% off Jo-Ann's coupon. And then I'll play.
What was your last spur-of-the-moment project?


  1. Hahaha! Mine was curtains for our laundry room that is under renovation. It was so successful that the fabric is still in the bag! :)

  2. Mine was the timeout jar that failed miserably. So I 'spontaneously' tried it a second time, only to fail again.

  3. So spontaneous projects fail, eh? You're not giving me much hope ladies! I did get the fabric washed and ironed, then did a little planning and cut out the tabs for the top. Then I went to bed. So now everthing I dragged up from the basement is stacked on the dining room table (nothing within about 8 inches of the edge), awaiting bedtime. Not looking good!

  4. What kind of fabric did D. end up picking?
